Monday, March 21, 2016

A Lot Can Happen in a Year

A lot can happen in a year...

The school day ended on a tremendously inspiring note today. Tomorrow is the 8th Annual Grande Dames Tea, hosted by PACE Center for Girls, Lee. You can read more about the previous years' events if you google it. But one of the most amazing parts of the program is always a performance by some of the students. In years past there have been student singers and actors. This year, five of our students will be performing a spoken word dramatic piece. Written by a PACE staff member from another center, it is centered around the assertion, a lot can happen in a year. The girls take us through the experiences PACE girls often come with, and the transformation they go through when loved and empowered by the staff and their peers at PACE. They stomp on fear and denounce pity. Students are with us for about a year, and they say love us, support us, understand us, and empower us, but do not dare pity us! The performance is absolutely spectacular and I know they will wow the crowd. It is goose bump inducing, girl power at its finest and I'm proud they will represent themselves and PACE, Lee.

Two of the girls are nearing the end of their stay with the day program at PACE. Both of them have come such a long way in their journeys. Both of them have publicly told their stories, appeared in the newspaper sharing their experiences, and are blossoming as their junior year in high school comes to an end. We know they will be with PACE in the transition program and as role models and mentors to future PACE girls. Our PACE motto is: Once a PACE girl, always a PACE girl. Another of the girls will be with us for one more semester, and she has been on quite the journey as well. She has excelled academically and found her voice. The other two are a little past the halfway mark in their year with PACE and they have shown amazing strength in overcoming very challenging personal experiences, including less than ideal family lives, anxiety, and bullying. These five girls radiate beauty, love, and a confidence that didn't yet exist when they walked through our doors. Their performance got me thinking... A lot can happen in a year.

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