Who hasn't needed a second chance at something in life? If you answered "not me," you're probably a liar. No matter how big or small, we've all needed and gotten second chances. Whether it was falling during the dance at an audition, or rekindling an old romance, people and relationships need second chances.
When we're young, we do stupid things. Some of us do more stupid things than others, and of course there is usually a small group who engages in repeated bad decision-making or intensely bad decision-making. Our only hope is young people learn from those mistakes. We hope the aftermath of bad decisions creates a lesson for better decision-making in the future. Imagine being held responsible long-term for every bad decision you make. What if every time you encounter new people or new situations, your mistakes are part of your nice-to-meet-you handshake? People wouldn't like each other. We would only see the negative in people, because we would be focused on the things they've done wrong in their lives rather than the people they are when we meet them.

Now imagine the people you know who have needed second chances in life. Where would they be if others weren't willing to take chances on
them? Everyone needs a champion. Everyone needs love. It's easy to love your own kids, or people who bend over backwards loving you and accommodating you. But what about the ones who have made mistakes? What about the people who did all that stupid stuff and are holding onto faith they are worthy of a second chance? These people might need us even more. They work hard to turn things around and hope the world and its people can forgive them and accept them, despite their transgressions. These people are pretty brave, because people don't make it easy for them. Sometimes even when they do everything right the second time around, their old mistakes are thrown back in their faces. Everyone deserves a second chance to get it right. And brave are those who love them and give the opportunity. I love nonjudgemental people- people who embrace others as human beings, not just sets of circumstances.
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