Biking on Through
The wind is in my face
I am riding alone
Cheeks flushed
Eyes watering
I can feel my smile
I'm at my own pace
I am riding alone
Senses heightened
Legs pumping
I can feel my heart
The birds are chirping
and the trees are swaying
School is out and it is not yet dark
So the streets are sprinkled with people
On a cul de sac a mom sits in a chair
at the end of the driveway
watching her little ones play in the street
"Hi!" the little boy shouts like we are friends
"Hi!" I shout back as I ride away
watching the leaves skipping along
tiptoeing in the wind
barely touching the street
On the next block a man is walking his dog
They are moving briskly and he smiles
As I ride by I hear him say to the dog
"Good boy, you're a good boy."
In one garage I see two classic cars
One is a VW Beetle convertible
candy apple red with a black ragtop.
My husband would love it
In another garage I see a neighbor
I smile and wave like all friendly people
As I ride by I notice it wasn't my neighbor
It was a mannequin. Oh my!
Just as I round the corner,
A boy is walking his little sister home
He seems to be a good big brother
He is holding her hand
Down the street a ways
Three generations playing together
a giant bouncy ball and four dogs
It is a family circus!
Near my house a woman is jogging,
sort of- she's talking on the phone,
barely getting her feet off the ground
I am glad I left my phone behind.
The wind is in my face
I am riding alone
Cheeks flushed
Eyes watering
I can feel my smile
I'm at my own pace
I am riding alone
Senses heightened
Legs pumping
I can feel my heart
*Just because it goes so well and it's an all-time favorite:
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